Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Greetings all,
I hope you are all enjoying your summer in the sun!  Just a friendly reminder to everyone that we will be having a final Contest Prep meeting on Sunday 20 July 2014 at 1300L.  The location for the meeting is the same as the previous meeting, in the ground school classroom of the Brantford Flying Club (CYFD).  We will be discussing any loose ends that require tying up for the contest, securing jobs for volunteers, and answering any final questions that come up.  All are welcome!

For those that have not paid membership dues as of yet, I will be bringing more membership forms to the meeting.  A reminder that dues are $100 this year.
Chapter 3

Monday, 7 July 2014

2014 Upper Canada Open Contest Info!

We are pleased to provide some info regarding the 2014 Upper Canada Open.

The 2014 Upper Canada Open will be held at the Tillsonburg Airport (CYTB) just outside the town of Tillsonburg, Ontario. Contest entry fees for this year's contest will be $125 for all Categories. We are planning to fly Primary - Unlimited Categories.

CYTB Aerobatic Box

The official contest hotel for the 2014 Upper Canada Open will be the Howard Johnson Hotel in Tillsonburg. We have arranged a group rate under Aerobatics Canada for $109/night.

Howard Johnson Hotel
92 Simcoe St.
Tillsonburg, ON
(519) 842-7366
1 (866) 942-7366

Please direct any questions regarding this year's contest to the Contest Director: Bjarni Tryggvason at bjarni.tryggvason@rogers.com or by phone at (519) 851-7887.

Contest Dates:

15 August 1000-2100 : Practice Day / Registration

16 August 0800-2000 : Contest Flying

17 August 0800-1700 : Contest Flying / Awards

For those of you flying up from the US, please be aware that Tillsonburg is not an Airport of Entry for customs purposes. London (CYXU, Mode C req. Control Tower) , Sarnia (CYZR uncontrolled) and Saint Catherines (CYSN uncontrolled) are all good choices to clear customs en-route and are located within a 10-40 min flight from Tillsonburg.

Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!

Chapter 3