Tuesday, 31 December 2013

New Year's Lunch!

We hope everybody had a wonderful holiday with family and friends!  I know it isn't officially the new year yet, but nevertheless, We wanted to say Happy New Year to everyone and we hope its full of unusual attitudes and blue skies!

As discussed at our meeting on Nov. 3rd, we will be having a new years get together on Jan. 5th at Borealis Restaurant in Kitchener.  I have contacted them and reserved a spot for us at 1230, so consider this a formal invite to come on out and enjoy some tasty food and good discussion.

 Please note this will not be an official meeting, so we will not be collecting membership dues, though we will be discussing the timing of our spring meeting where all of that will take place.

 Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday Jan. 5!

Chapter 3

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Meeting Re-schedule


Due to the WAC's taking place during Oct. 20th when we had planned to hold our fall meeting, we will be recheduling to a later date that is yet to be determined.  My apologies for the mix-up and to all that are attending the WAC's this year, have fun!!!

Chapter 3

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Hello all!

I hope everything is well with each of you.  Chapter 3 will be having a meeting on October 20th, 2013 from 1400-1600.  We invite each of you to come out as we will be discussing several club issues including critiquing this years contest, and beginning preparations for next years contest (ie: choosing a CD, location, date).  The usual club items will also be on the agenda and if you have anything you'd like us to discuss, please reply to this email and let me know so I can add it to the list.

The meeting will be held in the ground school room of the Brantford Flight Centre (CYFD).  Seeing as we will be at an airport, I invite you all to fly in if you can to have lunch before hand as the airport has a great restaurant  on site!  Being in Brantford, I am hoping to keep everybody's distance traveled relatively the same to encourage more of you to come out!

Looking forward to seeing you on the 20th!

Chapter 3

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Upper Canada Open 2013

Well ladies and gentlemen, another year has come and gone, and so has another Upper Canada Open contest.  Firstly, I'd like to apologize for my delay in creating this synopsis, but as you all can relate, life gets in the way sometimes!

Chapter 3 held our annual contest on the weekend of Aug 24-25 at the Chatham-Kent Airport (CYCK).  The weather was absolutely gorgeous.  We had temperatures in the mid 20s (mid 70s for our American friends) both days and you couldn't get a sky that was any bluer!  This year we had 12 pilots in 11 different aircraft, including 1 first time competitor. 

We'd like to give a huge shout out too all of the Chapter 3 support staff including Pat Rebbetoy, Joy McKinney, Jessica Trushinski, Josh Pegg, Chris Pulley, and Larry and Elaine Ernewein.  Without people like them, contests are not possible!  We'd also like to thank our American friends that came up to compete and offered any and all assistance they could muster! Thank you very much for all your help!!!

Our contest director this year was Bill Ludwig.  Bill put on a great contest, in a new location, with minimal assistance, a feat that requires great patience and determination.  Bill also flew in the contest and placed first in the intermediate category.  Way to go Bill and thanks for all your hard work, without it, we wouldn't of had such a success!

The contest ran smoothly thanks to help of Deb Laforet, Joy McKinney, Jessica Trushinski, Carol Granger and Elaine Ernewein who ran the registration, program coordination and scoring from the terminal of the Chatham Airport. The Chief Judge for the contest, Carole Holyk, was supported by a panel of American and Canadian judges including Sandy Langworthy, Hugo Ritzenthaler, Jeff Granger, Larry Ernewein and Chris Pulley. Our starter Pat Rebbetoy kept the contest rolling at a non-stop pace throughout the entire weekend.

There is one more group we have to thank, and that is the staff at the Chatham-Kent airport, and all of the generous people in Chatham that donated their time, hangar space, and facilities.  Without all of these folks, the contest would've certainly suffered for it!  Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

Below is a link to the IAC website with the results from the contest.  Thank you to all the pilots that came out to compete, and congratulations to all competitors that placed in this year.

Too wrap up, all of us at Chapter 3 would like to thank everybody, from the volunteers to the organizers to the competitors for coming out and making this years contest another success!

Stay safe and blue skies!

Chapter 3

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Hotel Reservations

Sorry for the mixup folks... The link posted earlier does not show any rooms available. The Holiday Inn Express in Chatham has rooms set aside for us at a special rate. They have reserved 20 rooms available to us for Friday Aug 23rd and Sat Aug 24th and 10 rooms for Thur Aug 22nd.  The room rate is $122. and the promo code is CA2 115201. You can contact the hotel directly at (519) 351-1100. 

Friday, 28 June 2013

Official Contest Hotel

Hi everyone,

For those planning on attending the 2013 Upper Canada Open hosted in Chatham ON (CYCK), we have selected an official contest hotel. The hotel will be the Holiday Inn Express located just up the road. The hotel website can be found at: http://www.ihg.com/holidayinnexpress/hotels/us/en/chatham/xcmtm/hoteldetail
At this time we are still working on a price. Details will be posted shortly.

We have also arranged hangar space for everyone planning on attending. Space will be available for $10 / night.

 If you have any questions regarding the contest, hotel or hangar space please contact Bill Ludwig at pittss1tpilot@hotmail.com

Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!

Chapter 3

Monday, 10 June 2013

El Presidente

Hello all!

I just wanted to take a minute and introduce myself! My name is Josh Pegg and I am the new Aerobatics Canada, Chapter 3 club president. I am looking forward to keeping all this awesome momentum going that Mike and the team have started since we got up and running again in 2011.

I'd like to thank Mike for his contributions to the club over the last 2 years and wish him all the best on his next adventure out west!

I am really looking forward to keeping the attitude unusual in this part of the country and hopefully link the western club with ours in the hopes of maybe holding a national contest at some point in the future.

Fly safe. Fly smart.
Josh Pegg
Aerobatics Canada Chapter 3

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Annual General Meeting June 9th

The Chapter 3 Annual General Meeting will be held on June 9th at the Brampton Flying Club. 

Due to a multitude of scheduling conflicts/new jobs/training... etc. This will be the last change... We promise. 


Location will be unchanged- Brampton Flying Club

See everyone soon!

Aerobatics Canada Chapter 3

Saturday, 25 May 2013

2013 Michigan Contest

Too all who may be wondering if IAC Chapter 88 will be holding a contest in 2013...

Details are being nailed down and as is stands today our contest will be held during the weekend of July 4th. With actual contest dates on the 6th & 7th. Practice & registration on the 5th and possibly the 4th if I can get enough committed hard working volunteers in Jackson on the 3rd. So let me here from any and all who will be competing and who will be will to help setup, in what capacity and when.

For more information, go to our new website located at
IAC 88 web site 

pre-register at  IACUSN.ORG

Any suggestions and or comments are appreciated.  send them here

Brian Roodvoets
2013 Contest Director
IAC Chapter 88 


Thursday, 16 May 2013




Location will be unchanged- Brampton Flying Club

Fly safe in the mean time- practice weather is finally here!

Aerobatics Canada Chapter 3

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

2013 AGM

Hey everybody,

It's that time of year again. This year, we'll meet for an AGM on Sunday May 19 at 5pm at the Brampton Flying Club to go over the year in review, collect club fees, and present what's in the works for 2013. We also look forward to welcoming new and prospective members to the meeting who are interested in the club. We've had two stellar years now with the club 'back on the map', and look forward to continuing this year with a contest in Chatham. Fly-in's are encouraged if the weather cooperates, as we'll meet for just over an hour which should leave plenty of light to get home. For the 'drive-ins', we'll assemble afterwards at a local establishment for supper and drinks. Mark your calendars and tell your friends!

For Google directions, use 13691 McLaughlin Rd  Brampton, ON. Watch for signs inside the club to find the meeting room- it's the commercial room past the simulators in the back.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Freestyle critique session!

Does your freestyle suck?

...well, you may be in luck. Chapter 3 has decided to host a freestyle day to discuss the finer points of designing and flying IAC Freestyle sequences. This session will focus primarily on the intermediate free sequence however all categories are welcome.

The freestyle meeting will take place on Sunday, March 3rd at 1 pm and will be held at Bjarni's boardroom which is located in Waterloo. The address is:

Unit 1 105 Lexington Rd, Waterloo, N2J 4R7

This meeting will be more of a casual gathering to exchange notes, get tips and refine your 2013 Freestyle sequences. Everyone's input is welcome. If you would like to take part in the critique you will be required to bring several copies of your own free to be shared with the rest of the group.

Carol Holyk has also mentioned that she will be attending to offer advice and time-permitting, she has also been kind enough to certify your free sequence at the meeting.

There are several restaurants in the area so it may also be an option to meet up for lunch prior to the meeting. A location and time for lunch have yet to be decided.

The boardroom can hold approx. 12 people so if you are planning on attending we would ask that you send a quick e-mail to the chapter address.

We are also in the process of starting a Facebook page. If you happen to be on Facebook, look us up by searching Aerobatics Canada Chapter 3.

Hope to see everyone soon.

Chapter 3